Converting an F# pipeline into a C# fluent interface

In my previous post, I went over one of the changes I made to my library, Quipu, to make it more C# friendly. In this installment, I will go over another design change, turning the initial F# version, which used a classic pipeline, into a Fluent Interface.

For reference, here is how the original F# pipeline looks like:

let f (x, y) = pown (x - 1.0) 2 + pown (y - 2.0) 2 + 42.0
let solverResult =
    NelderMead.objective f
    |> NelderMead.withTolerance 0.000_0001
    |> NelderMead.startFrom (Start.around (100.0; 100.0))
    |> NelderMead.minimize

This looks pretty similar to a Fluent Interface. It is not, though: it is a classic F# pipeline, chaining functions using the pipe-forward operator. From the F# side, this feels like a fluent interface, but for a C# consumer, it is more or less unusable.

Can we turn this into an actual C# friendly Fluent Interface? Yes we can, and this is what I will go over in this post.


Making a F# library C# friendly

During December, I have been aggressively redesigning my library, Quipu. I initially wrote Quipu because I needed a Nelder-Mead solver in .NET, and could not find one ready to use. And, because I intended to use it from F#, I wrote Quipu in a style that wasn’t particularly C# friendly.

As I was going through the code base with my chainsaw, I thought it would be an interesting exercise to try and make it pleasant to use from C# as well. This post will go through some of the process.

First, what is Quipu about? Quipu is an implementation of the Nelder-Mead algorithm, and searches for arguments that minimize a function. As an example, suppose you were given the function f(x,y) = (x-1)^2 + (y-2)^2 + 42, and wanted to know what values of x and y give you the lowest possible value for f. With Quipu, now in C#, this is how you would go about it:

#r "nuget: Quipu, 0.5.2"
using Quipu.CSharp;
using System;

Func<Double,Double,Double> f =
    (x, y) => Math.Pow(x - 1.0, 2) + Math.Pow(y - 2.0, 2) + 42.0;

var solverResult =

if (solverResult.HasSolution)
    var solution = solverResult.Solution;
    Console.WriteLine($"Solution: {solution.Status}");
    var candidate = solution.Candidate;
    var args = candidate.Arguments;
    var value = candidate.Value;
    Console.WriteLine($"f({args[0]:N3}, {args[1]:N3}) = {value:N3}");

This produces the following result, which happens to be correct:

Solution: Optimal
f(1.000, 2.000) = 42.000

I would also like to think that this C# code looks reasonably pleasant, whereas the original version (pre version 0.5.*) definitely was not. Let’s go over some of the changes I made to the original code!

Side note: my C# is pretty rusty at that point, if you have any thoughts or feedback on how to make this better, I am all ears!


More SIMD vectors exploration

Since my earlier post looking into SIMD vectors in .NET, I attempted a few more experiments, trying to understand better where they might be a good fit, and where they would not.

The short version: at that point, my sense is that SIMD vectors can be very handy for some specific scenarios, but would require quite a bit of work to be usable in the way I was hoping to use them. This statement is by no means meant as a negative on SIMD; rather, it reflects my realization that a SIMD vector is quite different from a mathematical vector.

All that follows should also be taken with a big grain of salt. SIMD is entirely new to me, and I might not be using it right. While on that topic, I also want to thank @xoofx for his very helpful comments - much appreciated!

Anyways, with these caveats out of the way, let’s dive into it.

My premise approaching SIMD was along these lines: “I write a lot of code that involves vectors. Surely, the Vector class should be a good fit to speed up some of that code”.

To explore that idea, I attempted to write a few classic vector operations I often need, both in plain old F# and using SIMD vectors, trying to benchmark how much performance I would gain. In this post, I’ll share some of the results, and what I learnt in the process.

You can find the whole code here on GitHub.


Should I use dotnet SIMD Vectors?

Even though a lot of my work involves writing computation-heavy code, I have not been paying close attention to the System.Numerics namespace, mainly because I am lazy and working with plain old arrays of floats has been good enough for my purposes.

This post is intended as a first dive into the question “should I care about .NET SIMD-accelerated types”. More specifically, I am interested in understanding better Vector<T>, and in where I should use it instead of basic arrays for vector operations, a staple of machine learning.

Spoiler alert: some of my initial results surprised me, and I don’t understand yet what drives the speed differences between certain examples. My intent here is to share what I found so far, which I found interesting enough to warrant further exploration later on.

Anyways, let’s dive in. As a starting point, I decided to start with a very common operation in Machine Learning, computing the Euclidean distance between 2 vectors.

You can find the whole code here on GitHub.


Quipu 0.2.2, a Nelder-Mead solver with a side of NaN

The main reason I created Quipu is that I needed a Nelder-Mead solver for a real-world project. And, as I put Quipu through its paces on real-world data, I ran into some issues, revolving around “Not a Number” floating point values, aka NaN.

tl;dr: the latest release of Quipu, version 0.2.2, available on nuget, should handle NaN values decently well, and has some minor performance improvements, too.

In this post, I will go over some of the changes I made, and why. Fixing the main issue made me realize that I didn’t know floating point numbers as well as I thought, even though I have been using them every working day for years. I will take some tangents to discuss some of my learnings.

So let’s dig in. My goal with Quipu was to implement the Nelder-Mead algorithm in F#. The purpose of Nelder-Mead is to find a numeric approximation of values that minimize a function. As an illustration, if we took the function $f(x) = x ^ 2$, we would like to know what value of $x$ produces the smallest possible value for $f(x)$, which happens to be $x = 0$ in this case.

Quipu handles that case just fine:

open Quipu.NelderMead

let f x = x ** 2.0
|> NelderMead.minimize
|> NelderMead.solve

val it: Solution = Optimal (0.0, [|0.0|])

So far, so good. Now, what about a function like $f(x) = \sqrt{x}$?

That function is interesting for 2 reasons:

  • $f(x)$ has a minimum, for $x = 0$.
  • $f(x)$ is defined only for $x \ge 0$: it is a partial function.

Sadly, the previous version of Quipu, version 0.2.1, failed to find it. It would go into an infinite loop instead.
