In my last installment, I started revisiting some old code of mine around
Delaunay triangulation, the dual of a Voronoi diagram. My goal is to
implement the Bowyer–Watson algorithm, and perhaps use it for procedural
map generation at some point.
I will follow the pseudo-code outlined on the Wikipedia page, and work my way
through it. Last time I took care of the initialization step, computing an
initial super-triangle large enough to completely contain all the points:
function BowyerWatson (pointList)
triangulation := empty triangle mesh data structure
add super-triangle to triangulation
Today I will tackle the next step:
for each point in pointList do
badTriangles := empty set
for each triangle in triangulation do
if point is inside circumcircle of triangle
add triangle to badTriangles
A while ago, I got interested in Delaunay triangulation, because
it seemed to be a good building block for procedural map generation,
city maps in particular. I started implementing the Bowyer–Watson algorithm,
but ended up putting this side-project on ice, because, well, life got busy.
I had something messy somewhat working back then, and figured it would be fun
to revisit that code and try to get it into shape.
In this post, I’ll revisit one minor piece of the algorithm that seemed easy,
but gave me some trouble: the calculation of the so-called “super triangle”.
The algorithm is quite interesting. The first step is to compute a triangle
that contains all the points we want to triangulate, adding points one by one
and updating the triangulation, until there is nothing left to add. At that point,
the initial triangle and anything connected to it is removed, and the triangulation
is done.
Super Triangle
What I am after here is fairly simple: given a collection of points on the plane,
find 3 points (the super triangle) that enclose every point in the list.
Let’s illustrate with an example. Suppose we have 5 points, like in the example below.
The triangle ABC in yellow is a valid super triangle:
Another Avalonia FuncUI post this week! One problem I struggled
with initially with Avalonia FuncUI is how to handle async calls.
I had some familiarity with the Elmish Cmd.OfAsync module, and
wanted to use that if possible (Maxime Mangel has a great post on Cmd
and how to use them, if you are curious).
Anyways, using Cmd.OfAsync and its cousin Cmd.OfTask in Avalonia FuncUI is
what we will cover in today’s installment!
Without further due, let’s dive in, starting with a very basic example, without
anything async to begin with. Our example app will have just a TextBox, where the text
of a “Request” can be entered, and a Button, which will send the “Request”,
and return a “Response”, a string, which we will display back to our user.
We’ll start synchronous, and work our way up to asynchronous commands.
I have been using Avalonia FuncUI quite a bit lately, to develop Windows
desktop clients for 2 applications. The UI for these applications is not
particularly fancy: select items using listboxes, edit the selected item, and
save it, that kind of thing.
As these applications grew, the screens grew in complexity, and I realized that
I was struggling a bit when I wanted to re-arrange their layout. The problem
was not caused by FuncUI, but rather by how I was using controls, creating
layouts that ended up being hard to refactor or re-arrange.
In this post, I will go over what I ended up doing. It’s not particularly
earth shattering, but who knows - it might help someone out there avoid some of
the pain I went through :)
In addition to re-designing my Nelder-Mead solver to improve usability, I have
also recently dedicated some time looking into performance improvements. This
is usually not my primary concern: I tend to focus first on readability and
correctness first, and address performance issues later.
However, in the case of a solver, performance matters. In my specific
case, the solver works as a loop, iteratively updating a candidate solution
until it is good enough. Anything that can speed up that loop will directly
speed up the overall solver, so it is worth making sure the code is as
efficient as can be.
One particular code area I worked on is the solver termination rule. The
changes I made resulted in a significant speedup (roughly 10x), at the expense
of style: the final version does not look like idiomatic F# at all. In this
post, I will go over these changes.