Converting an F# pipeline into a C# fluent interface

In my previous post, I went over one of the changes I made to my library, Quipu, to make it more C# friendly. In this installment, I will go over another design change, turning the initial F# version, which used a classic pipeline, into a Fluent Interface.

For reference, here is how the original F# pipeline looks like:

let f (x, y) = pown (x - 1.0) 2 + pown (y - 2.0) 2 + 42.0
let solverResult =
    NelderMead.objective f
    |> NelderMead.withTolerance 0.000_0001
    |> NelderMead.startFrom (Start.around (100.0; 100.0))
    |> NelderMead.minimize

This looks pretty similar to a Fluent Interface. It is not, though: it is a classic F# pipeline, chaining functions using the pipe-forward operator. From the F# side, this feels like a fluent interface, but for a C# consumer, it is more or less unusable.

Can we turn this into an actual C# friendly Fluent Interface? Yes we can, and this is what I will go over in this post.

Fluent Interface, Take One

First, if we mimicked what the F# code does, how would a C# Fluent Interface look like? Probably something along these lines:

Func<Double,Double,Double> f =
    (x, y) => Math.Pow(x - 1.0, 2) + Math.Pow(y - 2.0, 2) + 42.0;
var solverResult =
        .StartFrom(Start.Around(100.0, 100.0))

As it turns out, this is exactly the current C# Quipu API. So how did we go from an F# pipeline to this?

Let’s start from the F# side, taking one of the pipeline steps for illustration:

type NelderMead () =
    static member withTolerance (tolerance: float) (problem: Problem) =
        { problem with
            Configuration = {
                problem.Configuration with
                    Termination = Termination.tolerance tolerance

Source code

Sidebar: Why is NelderMead a class and not a module? And why is withTolerance a static method, and not a function on a module? I ended up using a class because, for other functions, I needed overloads.

The signature of the withTolerance function is

withTolerance: float -> Problem -> Problem

If we already had an instance of a Problem, say, initialProblem, we could apply withTolerance using the pipe-forward operator, which will return a new, updated Problem:

|> NelderMead.withTolerance 0.000_001

As long as we have functions that look along these lines:

someProblemTransformation: argument1 -> ... -> Problem -> Problem

… we can keep chaining them together, passing an initial Problem through a series of transformations that will eventually give us a Problem.

Stated differently, our original pipeline can be rewritten in the following equivalent code, fully expanding each step:

let f (x, y) = pown (x - 1.0) 2 + pown (y - 2.0) 2 + 42.0
let problem0 = NelderMead.objective f
let problem1 = NelderMead.withTolerance 0.000_0001 problem0
let problem2 = NelderMead.startFrom (Start.around [ 100.0; 100.0]) problem1
let solverResult = NelderMead.minimize problem2

All we are doing is passing around a Problem and transforming it.

Can we do the same with C#? We can, by using essentially the same idea. All we need is a method on an instance, which returns a new instance of the same type. We could for instance add a method on the Problem type, and do something like this:

type Problem = {
    // omitted for readability
    member this.WithTolerance (tolerance: float): Problem =
        { this with
            // slightly simplified for readability
            Tolerance = tolerance

WithTolerance returns a Problem, so we can now chain the calls like so:

var problem1 = problem0.WithTolerance(0.001);
var problem2 = problem1.WithTolerance(0.01);
var problem3 = problem2.WithTolerance(0.1);

Or, omitting the intermediate variables, and calling WithTolerance directly on the Problem that the previous step returned:

var problem3 =

Of course, this example is a little absurd (you would not set the tolerance three times in a row, to three different values), but it illustrates the point. If we have methods on an instance that return an instance of the same type, we have a Fluent Interface.

Fluent Interface, Take Two

While the general idea works, I wasn’t entirely satisfied with it. My issue was that the Problem type is not meant to be front-and-center. Leaving the type public is fine, so you can directly manipulate it in case you want to do something unusual, but by default you should not have to touch it.

In addition to this, Problem is a record which contains “non-obvious” types (IVectorFunction, IStartingPoint). Instantiating a Problem manually requires understanding how all these types work, and will be at best error prone and unpleasant (in particular for C#).

The F# pipeline completely hides Problem from the user, can we do something similar for C# consumers?

Ignoring for now how to instantiate a Problem, one approach would be to do something like this. Remove the WithTolerance method from Problem, and move it to the NelderMead class instead:

// the constructor expects an instance of Problem
type NelderMead(problem: Problem) =
    member this.WithTolerance(tolerance: float) =
        // we update the Problem, using the existing F# method
        let updatedProblem =
            |> NelderMead.withTolerance tolerance
        // and instantiate a new NelderMead, re-wrapping the updated Problem

Instead of an empty constructor earlier, we expose a single constructor that expects an instance of a Problem. Because we want to chain method calls, we return a NelderMead from the WithTolerance method, so we can do the following:


We are still left with one problem, though. We need to pass a well-formed Problem in the constructor. How can we avoid that?

The F# pipeline gets around this by using factory methods. The first call in our original pipeline creates a Problem, using a static method objective:

let f (x, y) = pown (x - 1.0) 2 + pown (y - 2.0) 2 + 42.0
let solverResult =
    NelderMead.objective f
    |> NelderMead.withTolerance 0.000_0001
    // more steps omitted

We can easily achieve the same effect from the C# side, by hiding the default constructor, and exposing a similar factory method:

type NelderMead private (problem: Problem) =

    static member Objective(f: System.Func<float,float,float>) =
        NelderMead.objective f.Invoke
        |> NelderMead

    member this.WithTolerance(tolerance: float) =
        |> NelderMead.withTolerance tolerance
        |> NelderMead

Applying the same trick to the other steps of the pipeline leads to the following API:

Func<Double,Double,Double> f =
    (x, y) => Math.Pow(x - 1.0, 2) + Math.Pow(y - 2.0, 2) + 42.0;
var solverResult =
        .StartFrom(Start.Around(100.0, 100.0))

… which is a Fluent Interface that mimicks the original pipeline, but is also usable from the C# side.

Parting thoughts

A couple of final comments before closing shop!

First, as of the latest version (0.5.2), the F# and C# APIs are separated in 2 different namespaces, Quipu for F#, Quipu.CSharp for C#. I initially used a single class, as in this post, but as a result, the NelderMead type had a lot of methods, mixing code formatting conventions (withTolerance and WithTolerance for example). I can see only one drawback to introducing this separation: you need to open the correct namespace depending on your preferred language. This seemed like an acceptable price to pay for the benefit of an uncluttered API.

Speaking of formatting, I also wanted the code to follow the expected standards for both F# and C#. I ended up using the [<CompiledName>] attribute on the Start type, like so:

type Start =
    static member around (startingPoint: seq<float>) =
        // omitted code

As a result, the code looks as you would expect in both languages:

NelderMead.objective f
|> NelderMead.startFrom (Start.around (100.0; 100.0))
    .StartFrom(Start.Around(100.0, 100.0))

Finally, the goal was to design a C#-friendly API, and the best way to check if that goal is achieved is to experience potential painpoints yourself, by using your own code (aka dog-fooding). I ended up writing a battery of unit tests in C#, which is a simple but effective way to do that.

One thing I was wondering about is how I could also confirm API parity between the two versions. The thought here is that if I write a unit test in F#, it would be nice to automatically also run the same test, using the equivalent C# code. I am still mulling over that one, it is an interesting problem, but one I can leave to think about later :)

That’s what I got for today! I am still planning to make some changes to the library, but I expect these to be much less drastic than the recent ones. Anyways, Quipu is usable as-is today - if you have questions, feedback or requests, let me know! And in the meantime, I hope you found something of interest in this post.

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