Delaunay triangulation with Bowyer-Watson: initial super triangle
05 Mar 2025A while ago, I got interested in Delaunay triangulation, because it seemed to be a good building block for procedural map generation, city maps in particular. I started implementing the Bowyer–Watson algorithm, but ended up putting this side-project on ice, because, well, life got busy. I had something messy somewhat working back then, and figured it would be fun to revisit that code and try to get it into shape.
In this post, I’ll revisit one minor piece of the algorithm that seemed easy, but gave me some trouble: the calculation of the so-called “super triangle”.
The algorithm is quite interesting. The first step is to compute a triangle that contains all the points we want to triangulate, adding points one by one and updating the triangulation, until there is nothing left to add. At that point, the initial triangle and anything connected to it is removed, and the triangulation is done.
Super Triangle
What I am after here is fairly simple: given a collection of points on the plane, find 3 points (the super triangle) that enclose every point in the list.
Let’s illustrate with an example. Suppose we have 5 points, like in the example below. The triangle ABC in yellow is a valid super triangle:
ABC isn’t the only valid super triangle. Many other triangles, some smaller, some larger, would do the job equally well. Our problem here is to find reasonably effectively a triangle that works.
My first take was to start by finding a circle that contains all the points, which is not too complicated. Pick a center for the circle, perhaps the average position of all the points, compute the distance between every point and the center, take the largest value and use that as the radius.
However, that doesn’t really help us: that circle doesn’t immediately give us a valid triangle. All we have is a different problem: finding a triangle that fully contains that circle. This is not super hard, but after making a few silly mistakes (trigonometry was never something I enjoyed) I got irritated and decided to try something simpler.
The thought went something like this: what if instead of a circle, I could find a square that contains all the points? Would that help me find a triangle enclosing all the points?
As it turns out, yes:
Starting from a yellow square like above, I can easily create a triangle ABC that covers it. That triangle is formed of 4 equal smaller triangles, which all have simple properties:
- They are isosceles (2 sides have the same length),
- The base has the same length as the square,
- The altitude (height) has the same length as the square.
This is also dead-easy to code:
type Point = { X: float; Y: float }
type Triangle = {
A: Point
B: Point
C: Point
module BowyerWatson =
let superTriangle (points: seq<Point>): Triangle =
let xs =
|> (fun pt -> pt.X)
|> Array.ofSeq
let xMin = xs |> Array.min
let xMax = xs |> Array.max
let ys =
|> (fun pt -> pt.Y)
|> Array.ofSeq
let yMin = ys |> Array.min
let yMax = ys |> Array.max
let squareWidth =
max (xMax - xMin) (yMax - yMin)
let pointA = {
X = xMin - 0.5 * squareWidth
Y = yMin
let pointB = {
X = xMin + 1.5 * squareWidth
Y = yMin
let pointC = {
X = xMin + 0.5 * squareWidth
Y = yMin + 2.0 * squareWidth
A = pointA
B = pointB
C = pointC
First, we identify the bounding square, by finding the min and max values
of the X and Y coordinates. We compute the largest difference, which will
be the size of the square. We have now a “virtual” square, anchored at
xMin, yMin
, and computing the 3 points A, B and C is straightforward.
Visual check
Let’s see if we can confirm visually that this works as expected.
We create first a sample of 20 random points:
open System
let points =
let rng = Random 0
List.init 20 (fun _ ->
X = rng.NextDouble() * 100.
Y = rng.NextDouble() * 100.
We can now compute a super triangle:
let triangle = BowyerWatson.superTriangle points
And we can render the result, with a little home-cooked DSL to convert to SVG:
// render super triangle as a polygon
Style.Fill (Fill.Color "lightyellow")
Style.Stroke (Stroke.Color "black")
Style.Stroke (Stroke.Width 1)
Style.Stroke (Stroke.Dashes [ 1; 1 ])
[ triangle.A; triangle.B; triangle.C ]
// render each point
for pt in points do
Style.Fill (Fill.Color "white")
Style.Stroke (Stroke.Color "black")
(pt, 4)
|> Plot.plot (400, 400)
… we get the following result:
Parting thoughts
In hindsight, I am surprised that this super triangle question caused me issues earlier on. I suspect it’s one of these situations where I started with the wrong idea of what the solution to the problem was, and then stayed on the wrong path for too long because I didn’t want to accept that my initial direction was wrong.
Once I scrapped my initial plan entirely, it was pretty quick. I took a piece of paper, drew a few shapes, and realized that there was a simple solution: covering the square with 4 equal triangles. There is something about finding a nice, clean solution to a geometry problem that brings me joy. As it happens, I suspect the box approach must also be much more efficient computationally than a trigonometry based one.
That being said, even though the solution described here works perfectly fine, I think using a bounding rectangle instead of a square would work equally well, and form a tighter super triangle. This train of thought got me wondering about another question: what is the tightest super triangle for a set of points? This seems like a fun geometry problem, but I’ll let that one rest for now, I want to finish this Delaunay triangulation first :)
Finally, as I was working through this problem, I realized that embedding SVG directly in this post would be much easier than creating images, which led me to write a quick-and-dirty DSL to convert shapes (points and polygons) to an SVG plot. This is currently a bit too messy to post about, but I’ll probably revisit that later as well!
Anyways, that’s what I got for today! In the next installments, I will start digging into the Bowyer-Watson algorithm.