Delaunay triangulation with Bowyer-Watson: circumcircle

In my last installment, I started revisiting some old code of mine around Delaunay triangulation, the dual of a Voronoi diagram. My goal is to implement the Bowyer–Watson algorithm, and perhaps use it for procedural map generation at some point.

I will follow the pseudo-code outlined on the Wikipedia page, and work my way through it. Last time I took care of the initialization step, computing an initial super-triangle large enough to completely contain all the points:

function BowyerWatson (pointList)
    triangulation := empty triangle mesh data structure
    add super-triangle to triangulation

Today I will tackle the next step:

for each point in pointList do
    badTriangles := empty set
    for each triangle in triangulation do
        if point is inside circumcircle of triangle
            add triangle to badTriangles

I need 2 new pieces of machinery here:

Circumcircle of a Triangle

First, what is the circumcirle of a triangle? Per Wikipedia again, the circumcircle of a triangle is the circle that passes through all 3 corners of the triangle.

Let’s compute that circle. We already defined Point and Triangle last time, let’s add Circle too:

type Point = { X: float; Y: float }

type Triangle = {
    A: Point
    B: Point
    C: Point

type Circle = {
    Center: Point
    Radius: float

If that circle goes through all 3 corners of the triangle, the radius will be the distance from its center to any corner. We will need to compute the distance between two points, let’s get that out of the way:

let distance (a: Point, b: Point) =
    sqrt (pown (a.X - b.X) 2 + pown (a.Y - b.Y) 2)

Fortunately, computing the coordinates of the center of the circumcircle is a well-known problem, I will lazily lift the formula, which gives us the following function:

let circumCircle (triangle: Triangle) =

    let a, b, c = triangle.A, triangle.B, triangle.C

    let d = 2.0 * (a.X * (b.Y - c.Y) + b.X * (c.Y - a.Y) + c.X * (a.Y - b.Y))
    let x =
        (pown a.X 2 + pown a.Y 2) * (b.Y - c.Y)
        (pown b.X 2 + pown b.Y 2) * (c.Y - a.Y)
        (pown c.X 2 + pown c.Y 2) * (a.Y - b.Y)
    let y =
        (pown a.X 2 + pown a.Y 2) * (c.X - b.X)
        (pown b.X 2 + pown b.Y 2) * (a.X - c.X)
        (pown c.X 2 + pown c.Y 2) * (b.X - a.X)

    let center = { X = x / d; Y = y / d }
    let radius = distance (center, a)

    { Center = center; Radius = radius }

It’s not particularly pretty, but it does the job. Or… does it? Let’s check, by re-using last week’s code, computing a super-triangle, and its circumcircle:

let points =
    let rng = Random 0
    List.init 20 (fun _ ->
            X = rng.NextDouble() * 100.
            Y = rng.NextDouble() * 100.

let triangle = BowyerWatson.superTriangle points
let circum = BowyerWatson.circumCircle triangle

    // render circumcircle
            Style.Stroke (Stroke.Color "black")
            Style.Fill (Fill.Color "none")
        (circum.Center, circum.Radius)
    // render super triangle as a polygon
            Style.Fill (Fill.Color "lightyellow")
            Style.Stroke (Stroke.Color "black")
            Style.Stroke (Stroke.Width 1)
            Style.Stroke (Stroke.Dashes [ 1; 1 ])
        [ triangle.A; triangle.B; triangle.C ]
|> Plot.plot (400, 400)

This produces the following SVG - things appear to be working as expected:

While we are at it, the algorithm also contains the following check:

if point is inside circumcircle of triangle

Let’s take care of that quick:

    type Circle = {
        Center: Point
        Radius: float

    let distance (a: Point, b: Point) =
        sqrt (pown (a.X - b.X) 2 + pown (a.Y - b.Y) 2)

    module Circle =
        let isInside (circle: Circle) (pt: Point) =
            distance (pt, circle.Center) <= circle.Radius

As expected, the 3 corners of the triangle are inside the circumcircle:

[ triangle.A; triangle.B; triangle.C ]
|> (Circle.isInside circum)

// val it: bool list = [true; true; true]

Parting thoughts

Nothing particularly fancy in this episode, this was mainly re-using a math formula. The good news is, I think we are over the geometry part. The rest of the algorithm revolves around updating a set of triangles as we add points to the triangulation one by one, which should be more about data structures.

One interesting edge case of the circumcircle function is the situation where the 3 points are aligned (and distinct), that is, the triangle is really just a straight line. In this case, there is no circle that can pass through all 3 corners, which we can confirm by running our code on an example of such a situation:

    A = { X = 0.0; Y = 0.0 }
    B = { X = 0.0; Y = 1.0 }
    C = { X = 0.0; Y = 2.0 }
|> BowyerWatson.circumCircle

val it: Circle = { Center = { X = -infinity
                              Y = nan }
                   Radius = nan }

I will ignore that issue for now, but we will probably have to revisit that later. We should be fine for as long as none of the points we want to triangulate are aligned. As a first step, we should be able to recognize that situation by changing the signature of circumCirle from Triangle -> Circle to Triangle -> Option<Circle>. However, that only postpones the real issue, which is “what should we do if we add a point that creates a flat triangle”? But we can deal with that later, when we actually go through the rest of the algorithm and create / update triangles.

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